Red Sonja #10 Review

The latest creative team’s run hits the double-digit mark, but should you care? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

To save the lives of hundreds of people she’s never even met, the She-Devil is forced to face the world’s deadliest swordsman, the only man whose skill with a blade threatens to dwarf Red Sonja’s own! The acclaimed run by writer Gail Simone and artist Walter Geovani kicks into even higher gear in this epic duel of blood and steel!

Red Sonja 10_Variant CoverSince this new volume began we’ve seen our warrioress put through the proverbial wringer and this latest entry is no different. Literally facing the blade of a skilled master our protagonist is doing all she can to accomplish what feels like a near impossible mission. Add in the amount of depth and excitement then we’re simply left with winning concepts that make this whole outing worthwhile.

Gail Simone pens the script and the writer finds the mind of our heroine in the right place for her skills. She’s given Red Sonja plenty of plot to contend with while simultaneously building up the nuances of a her persona. It’s easy to dismiss our primary for being an aged and over sexualized relic but with how this author approaches her that would be a mistake. It’s within the confines of the text that a clear mind and intent come through, but let’s not forget the necessary spunk of the She-Devil as moments of hilarity and honesty ensue.

Beyond the written word is the immaculate illustrations handed in by Walter Geovani. The talent has a level of skill as he offers up striking renditions in both combat and mud covered situations. But what really cements the visual component is the simple colors applied by Adriano Lucas. The whole of the work is a breath of fresh air that allows the entire release to become something memorable in its own right.

Red Sonja #10 is without a doubt a comic book that warrants both attention and praise. It honors the standing history of our heroine while building its own destiny. Highly recommended.

  • + The comic book carries impressive visuals.
  • + Gail Simone nails a near perfect script.
  • + The quest to free the slaves continues.
  • + Red Sonja takes on a swordmaster!

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