New Warriors #6 Review

Can this ragtag bunch function as any sort of squad? Read on to find out.

The official description from Marvel:

• The All-New New Warriors announce their arrival to the rest of the world, which doesn’t make anyone particularly happy.

• The Avengers vs. the New Warriors!

• And who’s the power behind the High Evolutionary?

New Warriors 6_Preview PageI’ll be completely honest this comic book has quickly become one of my favorite titles to review for UTF. Every month this creative team effortlessly builds a compelling narrative that’s worth the time of even the most discerning fanboy or fangirl. And in this latest outing they continue to act as a motley crew that’s had its share of issues in the past especially with the press, the Stamford incident comes to mind.

Christopher Yost pens the follow up to the New Warriors assault / clean up of Mount Wundagore and the scribe does a solid job delivering a competent script. He knows exactly how to write these varied players while keeping the focus tight and the mysteries relevant. I was honestly intrigued by the almost leadership mentality featured via the unlikely source of the Scarlet Spider. As well as the continuation of certain Civil War plot-lines courtesy of a Captain America, Justice, Speedball and Iron Man conversation. In short: this was a smartly executed addition to the reborn franchise.

The illustrations handed in by Nick Roche and David Baldeon spoke perfectly to the text as the talents offered up stylized renditions. I have to admit the overall body of work suited each of our heroes but there were just a handful of panels that seemed a bit too stiff. Add in the colors by Ruth Redmond and the book was graced with a dynamic layer that highlighted an already sturdy visual component. In other words: I walked away with very few complaints.

New Warriors #6 proves, once again, that this is one interesting team with enough going on to be worth paying attention to. Throw in consistency along with a few nuggets of necessary information to keep fans invested and this comic easily comes recommended.

  • + The script by Christopher Yost is full of personality.
  • + Avengers vs. the New Warriors... 'nuff said.
  • + Carries an absolutely solid display.
  • - The cliffhanger felt very abrupt...

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