Batman: Eternal #25 Review

What does Hush have in store for Batman next? Read on to find out.

The official description from DC Comics:

With riots breaking out all over Gotham City, can Batman stop the march toward martial law?

Batman Eternal #25 previewBatman: Eternal has reached a mild milestone, with the weekly series entering its 25th issue. Despite having it’s ups and downs, the series has overall proven to be worth the weekly purchase, with this recent Hush focused storyline being both intense and mysterious. Following in a similar fashion, this issue also sees Red Robin, Harper Row, Red Hood and Batgirl re-enter the fray, with the final sequence teasing a reunion of the Bat-Family.

James Tynion IV handles the script for this issue, also joining Scott Snyder on the story, as well as having Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins and Tim Seeley acting as consulting writers. Giving a very gritty set of events, Tynion IV manages to keep the excitement up, with the conversation between Batman and Hush proving as gripping as expected. Despite this I didn’t feel the issue gave anything productive to the series as a whole, with the only developments to do so coming rather late in the issue.

Former Scalped artist R.M. Guera handles the visuals for this issue, and I have to say I have very mixed feelings regarding how his style fits the world of the Dark Knight. Though his work on characters like Red Robin, Harper Row and Batgirl proves enticing, I can’t help but find his rendition of the Caped Crusader himself and key villain Hush to be rather unsavory. The main thing I dislike about his art on Batman is that he looks a little bloated compared to normal, with Hush’s teeth making him look more like Scarecrow than Hush. I had a similar feeling when it came to Guilia Brusco‘s colours, finding some sequences to have a clash of light and dark tones.

Batman: Eternal continues to prove worth the weekly purchase, with the final page of this issue having me excited for the next. Highly recommended.

  • + Hush is proving a more formidable foe than ever.
  • + James Tynion IV gives an intense entry to this weekly series.
  • + Final page has me excited for next week.
  • - R.M. Guera's art doesn't suit the Caped Crusader.

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