Judge Dredd #20 Review

With the Dark Judges, getting more and more powerful, it doesn’t seem that there is any hope! Read on to find out more.

“The American Way of Death, part 4”- Dredd has looked Death in the eye before… but never like this! He realizes The only way to beat the Dark Judges is to send them back to Deadworld in a crazy sacrifice play involving D-jump machines as well as a whole lot of blood, sweat and ammo. His only allies: a turncoat Dark Judge, a furry ex-con with a pickaxe, and… what’s this? A long-lost love from Dredd’s past, back to settle up an old debt?

Okay, okay, I have to say that this whole arch has been crazy sauce, STK640263but this one really takes the cake in the Judge Dredd universe. I mean it is really interesting, exciting, and more. I will go on record saying that this is the most interesting and fantastic storyline in comics right now. We have the dark Judges who have ran a much on the world and it seems hopeless. Now with this issue, we have Judge Dredd coming out and bringing forth an idea that only he could come up with, with the help of some interesting characters. The biggest surprise is who come back to help him. It will blow your mind and you will freak it out! It is a great reveal and you need to read it.

The writing is fantastic. The story is slick and quick. It has some the best reveals in the series, while bringing us some of the old Judge Dredd we need. It is almost flawless.

The art is just as gritty and quick as the story. It brings forth the ideas and needs for this story. Every panel seems perfectly laid out, while bringing out some surprises.

Judge Dredd #2o is a fantastic story that is both exciting and fun.

  • +Judge Dredd is ruthless as ever
  • +The art makes the story pop of the page
  • +A great ending works well for this story
  • +The love interest significance fits perfectly.

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