Winterworld #4 Review

In a dim future, the world is nothing but a barren land, Scully and Wynn, are trying to get away from a cult but some people need some convincing. Read on to find out more.

Scully and Wynn learn that the promise of paradise is a lie. Chuck Dixon and Butch Guice bring the first arc of this new ongoing to an explosive finale. What they thought was a sanctuary proves to be a death trap. The two friends are separated by their captors and Wynn faces a primordial horror on her own. The world is cold but the grave is colder as events race toward a deadly conclusion!

WinterWorld-04-pr-3-eb038Winterworld has been an interesting ride so far and this issue has been a real eye opener. Wynn has a huge arc while Scully is trying to escape. Wynn has been “chosen” to be El Nino’s wife but it is revealed that El Enino is a giant whale. It is very intense because of the dynamic between Wynn and the whale and the cuts to Scully. The issue feels very quick but it, also, has small sections of that allow people to feel the dread. It is a good issue but it isn’t doing anything really different. Post-apocalyptic comics are pretty common now and they need to have a voice to differentiate themselves, which I don’t feel that this is really sticking out.

Chuck Dixon is a good writer but, again, it isn’t anything new or a new spin on the same subject so that hinders this comic to some degree.

Butch Guice does produce some great visuals that portray emotions and atmosphere so well that it it hard no to stare at it. He, also, does a great job of creating a landscape and it really fantastic.

Winterworld #4 is okay but doesn’t do much to be special.

  • +Some great emotions portrayed.
  • + A neat villain for the issue.
  • -Nothing really new.
  • -Isn't paced, for my liking.

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