Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #3 Review

Will the Doctor save the day? Or will he leave it all for Gabby to do? Read on to find out.

The official description from Titan:

Torn between the homeworld of vicious psychic parasites, and the worsening chaos in Sunset Park, the Doctor must battle through his worst nightmares in order to save the lives of everyone in New York – and the world!

His sole ally, if she’s strong enough to withstand the aliens’ psychic predations? Gabriella Gonzalez!

With the help of a trusty Sonic Screwdriver and a frustrated Mexican-American artist, trapped in her father’s Laundromat… can the Doctor defeat the ultimate bad spirits?
And what will be left of Gabby’s corner of the world if she and the Doctor succeed?

DW_10D_03_Cover_C_RGB_Previews.jpg.size-600Since taking over the licence of Doctor Who, Titan Comics have delivered a varying quality in their tales, with some being amazing, and others just passing muster. Despite this they have given us some entertaining moments, with this being a chance for fans to remember the Doctor’s of past. And with the new Doctor entering the fold next week, their arsenal will get even bigger.

Nick Abadzis does an amazing job of bringing this tale to it’s conclusion, as though overall the issue isn’t as good as the last, it’s still an improvement over the first. The main thing that stood out in Abadzis’ script was the way he managed to balance the different areas, spending a certain amount of time explaining the background of the Cerebravores, whilst also leaving enough room to end on a high. I also loved the interaction between the Doctor and Gabby near the end, and how her coincidental reference to the whole “song is ending” from the Ood persuaded him to allow her to come on an adventure with him.

Though both Doctor Who series have been pretty evenly matched over the three issues that each series has released, art wise Elena Casagrande has stood out the most. Taking nothing away from Simon Fraser‘s art, which on the whole is wonderfully suited to the Eleventh Doctor, I personally just feel that Casagrande’s art sings more, capturing the essence of the Tenth Doctor perfectly. The detail of her art also is a contributing factor, with every panel of this issue being simply beautiful. Complimenting this wonderful art we once again have the fabulous colours of Arianna Florean, with her palette being vibrant as ever.

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor brings it’s first tale to an exciting conclusion, as though the issue wasn’t as enthralling as the last, it certainly ended on a high. It also gave a nice nod to the Tenth Doctor’s history, with it leaving me wondering if this series will explore more of that. Recommended.

  • + Elena Casagrande's art is mind blowingly good.
  • + Gives a wonderful nod to the Tenth Doctor’s history.
  • + Nick Abadzis manages to balance the different elements of this tale.
  • - Takes a while to jump into the excitement.

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