What does the world of Colder have to offer us next? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

Life goes on for Declan Thomas after his deadly encounter with the psychotic Nimble Jack, but Declan’s strange powers continue to develop, offering him a profound connection with the nature of insanity. Little does he know that the malevolent Swivel wishes to pick up where Nimble Jack left off!

Colder The Bad Seed #1 previewHaving enjoyed Colder you could bet your last dollar that I was looking forward to the release of this series. As first issues go however, this was a little underwhelming. Despite being far from bad, this issue fails to deliver the same level of intensity as the first series, with a lot of the issue feeling as if it’s easing new readers in. It also gives a very brief look into the first volume, and though this was nice, I’d much rather something a little more productive from in the present.

Paul Tobin does a relatively good job of getting this new series off the ground, giving background for new readers, as well as easing in new events. This is all well and good, and the way he does it with the new foe, Swivel, is amazing, but the calmer tone meant that it was hard to get excited about events. I did however like how Tobin showed more of Declan’s casual life, and how his girlfriend Reece is introducing him to her work colleges.

Juan Ferreyra‘s art is as good in this issue as it was in the first volume. Between his detailed pencils, and marvelous character designs, Ferreyra really makes Colder a world that is pleasing to the eye. Where he really excels however is when it comes to Swivel, as much like Declan whilst using his full powers, Swivel’s finger like teeth and face really make him a sinister looking man. The general aura around his sequences also help add suspense, with the colours also helping to give that extra layer of tone.

Colder: The Bad Seed gets off to a rather average start, as though the series shows a lot of promise, it has yet to reach the potential that the first series set. It does however introduce a creepy new character, and along with the intrigue it means this comic comes recommended.

  • + Swivel is a creepy looking character.
  • + Juan Ferreyra's art is as amazing as ever.
  • + Paul Tobin shows signs of things to come.
  • - Focuses a little too strongly on catering for new readers.

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