Ghostbusters #13 Review

There’s something strange going on, who should we call? Read on to find out.

The official description from IDW:

Lucky issue 13 is here, and with it, the first installment of the eight-part event that will shake the boys and girls in grey to their core! Gozer the Gozerian, the Destructor, was once drawn to Manhattan, but could not complete his work. That’s the good news. The bad news is that he isn’t the only god who has taken notice of Earth…  MASS HYSTERIA and our 30th anniversary tribute to the Ghostbusters begins here!

Ghostbusters 13_Preview Page 1It’s been a hard week for fanboys and fangirls. The recent passing of Harold Ramis hit home for many of us. I’ll be honest it was with a heavy heart that I opened up this book, but I’m happy I did. Because I get to report that the legacy of this series lives on. So by all means go grab your Proton Pack and get ready to rumble with some ghosts!

Erik Burnham pens the script and once again I’m enamored with what this scribe delivers. He captures what made the films memorable while sprinkling his own self on these festivities. The back and forth between the wedding of a particular Ghostbuster and the secondary team tackling a terrifying entity was interesting. As the length begins to show the author brings in a very special return. In short: this is exactly the right way to begin the 30th Anniversary. So be happy, it’s a good one.

The art by Dan Schoening to me is the main reason to love this monthly comic. As much as I truly enjoy the text it’s the outlandish and quirky visualizations that sell the majority of the jokes therein. He captures the raw essence of each player while delivering his own unique spin on what’s going on. I also have to give a serious amount of kudos for crafting some downright disturbing specters in this release.

Ghostbusters #13 starts Mass Hysteria off in the right, and as the blood rains down on our heroes I can’t wait to see where this goes. Recommended.

  • + There's a wedding.
  • + A character returns!
  • + The 30th Anniversay begins.
  • + Dan Schoening rocks the illustrations!

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