Black Dynamite #3 Review

When Black Dynamite wants something done, he gets it done and this issue is no different. Read on to find out more.

 BLACK DON’T NEVER BACK DOWN! Black Dynamite is a man on a mission once again and this time he’s going to Tibet to even the score. When the local Shaolin monks and volunteer aid workers come under attack, Black Dynamite goes on the offensive and discovers a Red Chinese / ex-Nazi conspiracy to breed and train the ultimate Kung-Fu Man-beasts.

The story of Black Dynamite has been an interesting one to say the 1775075least. It quick and funny but it does have some great moments that works quite well. So we have this great hero, who is funny and has some great lines but, also, has this great moral compass that is just fantastic. So begins our newest story, with Black Dynamite, where he goes to Tibet, yet again, because innocent people are being hurt and that doesn’t fly with Black Dynamite. So he goes and discovers this whole conspiracy that is both a little out there but, also, just fantastic. You really have to give props to the writer about this because it is true to itself. I really like it.

The writing for the series is very real and works fantastic. It is just a fantastic story that works well for what it is trying to be. I feel that the characters are compelling in their own way, while bringing forth some stereotypical comic book people forth. It is good.

The art is just as good. The story is a quick on and each panel demands the attention that is needed by the artist and it is seen. You really have to give props to someone that can make that happen. It is great.

Black Dynamite is quick, witty, and fun.

  • +The story is fun and fast
  • +Black Dynamite is just a fantastic character
  • +The art keeps the story fast and fresh
  • +The new reveals make some great moments

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