Battlestar Galactica #11 Review

Will Adama help his crew defeat the Cylons or will he continue to make preparations to step down from his command? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

“The Adama Gambit” (Part 2 of 2). With death bearing down on the fleet from the attacking Base Star, Commander Adama is forced to take desperate action, and employ frantically risky tactics in a last ditch effort to save humankind! The climactic, concluding part of this epic story of space-battle action and edge of the seat tension.

Battlestar Galactica #11 variantBattlestar Galactics‘s most recent story, The Adama Gambit got off to a rather mediocre start with the events of the issue being rather dull. The conclusion to this story on the other hand was way better with the exciting twist of events having a huge improvement. The Adama situation on the other hand was a little too sudden, though necessary for the overall quality of the issue.

Dan Abnett does a fantastic job on this issue with the change in pace being outstanding. The way that he’s turned around what was a rather average story into one that had me on the edge of my seat was simply astonishing showing his talent at work. Abnett also did an excellent job of giving character depth with the change in Adama’s attitude and the emotions of the other crew members being very intriguing. I also loved how Abnett showed his experience with sci-fi with the tone and atmosphere being simply perfect.

Cezar Razek brought a lot of energy and excitement to this issue through his intense artwork. The sheer quality and dynamic flow of his art was visually appealing, giving a lot of depth to the story. Razek also showed the hectic situation that the Galactica was in brilliantly as along with the characters reactions it added a lot of emotion and drama. Razek was once again joined by Vincius Townsend who’s wonderful colours gave a vibrant and brilliant finish to his outstanding pencils and inks.

Battlestar Galactica The Adama Gambit comes to a exciting conclusion and if the series continues in this tone I for one will be one very happy reader. Highly recommended.

  • + Dan Abnett turns things round giving an awesome conclusion.
  • + Explosive artwork from Cezar Razek.
  • + Exciting developments that bring the energy the TV series' had.
  • - Some developments were a little sudden.

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