Batman: Eternal #5 Review

Will Red Robin’s investigations give any leads as to what actually happened in the subway accident? Read on to find out.

The official description from DC Comics:

As the Dark Knight’s weekly series continues, Red Robin takes center stage in a major Gotham City mystery that has Harper and Cullen Row caught in the crosshairs!

Batman Eternal #5Batman: Eternal has lived up to it’s hype with the weekly being a fitting way to celebrate the Dark Knight’s 75 Anniversary. In this issue the story takes a slight side step from the main events as though aspects off the issue continue these developments it overall focuses more on the Narrows.

Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV continue to flesh out the story for this opening arc with Tynion IV also writing the script. As usual Ray Fawkes, John Layman and Tim Seeley also work as consulting writers. The writers do a tremendous job of focusing on different characters as whether it’s a look into what Harper Row’s getting up to, the Gotham Gazettes leads or Red Robin’s personal investigation it makes for a nice change. On the other hand there is a part of me that longs for more development to the established plot.

Established Batman artist Andy Clarke takes the art helm for this issue with the legendary Batman artist giving some stellar visuals. The sketchy style of Clarke always amazes me with the shading adding to the realism. Another thing that Clarke never fails to impress with is the layouts as every page oozes with intensity, suspense and dynamic. If this all isn’t enough he also manages to give brilliant emotional expression as the realistic look has me feeling ever emotion. We also get stunning colours from the wonderful Blond which match the tone of Clarke’s work perfectly.

Batman: Eternal takes a side step in this issue with the focus diverting to other characters. It’s still however a terrific series and worthy of a recommendation.

  • + Snyder and Tynion IV
  • + Stellar art from Andy Clarke.
  • + Investigation Red Robin style!
  • - Diverts slightly from the main story.

S#!T Talking Central

  • M0rg0th

    Considering how this series is released weekly it’s okay to kinda take the long way around for the plot to get to the action, I think. And the writing is still strong enough to make a slow issue like this one too much of a bore.

    I’m a bit surprised about Red Robin’s character thus far… Has he ever been portrayed like that before, personality-wise? I don’t remember him being like that when he had his own series pre-New-52. Although it seems fitting that Red Robin sort-of becomes a more cerebral version of Batman more interested in thorough investigations than just running around town looking for answers.