Angel & Faith Season 10 #4 Review

Has Angel finally met his match against Pearl or will he be able to pull it around? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

Angel’s taking some beatings in Magic Town, while Faith is dishing them out, whether they’re deserved or not. The two remain a world apart, dealing with a demonic rock god and a city preyed on by the magical powers exploding inside it.

Angel & Faith Season 10 #4 variantAngel & Faith Season 10 gives us a intense and exciting issue mainly focusing around Angel. Following last issues conclusion and the presence of Pearl I was excited to see how their battle would fair and I have to say I wasn’t disappointed. The intense dialogue along with the explosive nature of the sequence really appealed to this action fan with the pace being exhilarating. On the flip side it was slightly upsetting to see so little of Faith.

Victor Gischler has produced his best issue of this series to date with the energetic flow being captivating to say the least. The drama and intensity that he added through his wonderful dialogue really helped set the tone of the issue with the exciting action being an added bonus. Gischler also did a good job of developing Faith’s story as though her appearance is very brief it’s nice to see she’s not forgotten. In addition to all this the final page did a fantastic job of leaving suspense with the surprise appearance having me hooked for the next issue.

Will Conrad has easily been the best part about this series as though the story itself has amazed me Conrad’s art has been out of this world. The explosive nature of this issue allowed Conrad to showcase sensation action that was breathtaking. The drama and tension that he adds though the characters facial expressions is also outstanding adding to the cinematic vibe of the series. Add to this the realistic look of his art and the overall detail and it’s hard to find anything at all to fault. Conrad is once again joined by the wonderful Michelle Madsen with her colours brining a vivid and eye-catching finish to his art.

Faith may have taken a back seat for this issue but the action and excitement make it the best issue of Angel & Faith Season 10  yet. Highly recommended.

  • + Explosive battle between Angel and Pearl.
  • + Gripping script from Victor Gischler.
  • + Phenomenal artwork from Will Conrad.
  • - Faith didn't get much time.

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