Does this rock or not? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

The X-Files’ Joe Harris takes on The Prince of Darkness – Alice Cooper in his FIRST ongoing comic series! Rock n’ roll legend Alice Cooper was never a stranger to the mystic and the macabre. His stage shows were the stuff of legend, featuring snakes and pyrotechnics and the invocation of dark themes and darker forces. But while he was a legend in the waking world, few knew his role as “The Lord of Nightmares” beyond it, where he watched over us while we dreamed, and delivered horrors unto the deserving. Only someone took it all away from him, cast him out of his realm and locked him away… until now. And if he’s going to reclaim his dark throne, he’s going to need all the help he can get!

Alice Cooper 1_Variant CoverWell, I can say that when I volunteered to cover this title I had no idea what I was signing up for. Part fantasy and horror with pop culture satire this first outing peaked my interest within its first few pages.

Joe Harris offers up a compelling take on the one and only Alice Cooper. Sure it dances a line where the whole thing cool feel ludicrous but there’s something about the text. It takes the old school rocker and puts him in the path of some nightmares while dealing with a terrible contract. And it’s within that fray that the scribe finds elements that somehow form a narrative which happens to be worthy. The ending will win fans over and they’ll be back for more.

If the text wasn’t enough to garner the attention of curious onlookers than the simple but exquisite pencil strokes of Eman Casallos should do the trick. Each panel is given expert structure and form with a palette that relies on a minimalist approach to sensory perception. Add in the colors by Aikau Oliva and the entire release is treated with an absolutely dynamic display, which sheds light on the outlandish romp while giving it room to breath

Alice Cooper #1 surprised me. I honestly didn’t think it would win me over but this particular icon with the right creative team at his back crafted a little treat for fanboys or fangirls. So do yourself a favor: don’t dismiss this, go out and sample the awesome because this book comes recommended.

  • + Spectacular art.
  • + Carries a bizarre narrative.
  • + Alice Cooper is awesome in this one.
  • - Some of the plot is just a bit too out there...

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