Review: Zombie War #2

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The Epic Conclusion of Zombie War. Do I really need to say anything else? Read on.

“The grand bleepin’ finale! A mysterious comet, a crash-landed stranded alien, a female military detective hot on the apocalypse trail, and ALL the DEAD SOLDIERS of the world coming back to life to destroy the world one bite at a time — what more could you ask for?!”


Okay, so I have to say that this is a pretty good story. If you haven’t read the first part, then don’t read this because I am going to go through it a little bit. Okay, so a comet comes to earth and the dead rise causing all sorts of problem. This includes starting a whole out war against the living. It actually spreads pretty fast. Now, we add Jina, who is a pilot and has to figure out what is going. She meets this alien who actually brought this here so that it could destroy Earth because Earth destroyed its home planet. However, Jina convinces it that this is a bad idea and the creature joins the side of the humans. Now, this picks up after they are friends and they try to start the destruction of the living dead. Now, this is where I won’t ruin anything. Let me tell you, you will see that this issue is amazing. It has everything you could want; death, sex, and zombies. Will we be able to save the world or will it crumble?

The story is good and very well written. I do have one problem with it and that is that I don’t like the ending that much. I think that it was too rushed. They could do a whole series on this and it would be cool but I understand the appeal of two issues.

The art is an interesting style that works for this type of comic. I feel that you will understand this when you read it. It does a good job of showing a story and trying to be a comic book. I really enjoy this style of comics.

Overall, it’s a good book. I wish the ending was different but “hey”, you can’t win them all. I give it a four out of five.


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