Pathfinder #9 Review

You like Dragons, Dwarfs, and, overall, awesomeness? Then you will want to check out this review.

Official Description:

The adventurers face their deadliest foe yet, and even if they manage to escape, the danger is far from over! A corrupting influence worms its way into Sandpoint, one that won’t easily be vanquished by staves or swords. The hit comic series based on Paizo’s incredible award-winning fantasy world, fiction line, and tabletop RPG continues!

Okay, so I have to say that this issue was awesome for so many reasons. There is amazing amounts of heroism, love, and fighting within the pages that are crafted so well together. I don’t want to ruin anything but I will give you some insight. There is a dragon and he does some pretty crazy things. Someone gets hurt but it leads to something more revealing, than I thought would happen. Finally, there seems to be a new villain that shows us his face. It is an issue that you don’t want to miss.

Jim Zub does an amazing job of continuing the awesome story that Pathfinder readers have come to love. Every page seems crafted to fit together like a glove and it works. He starts by giving us an epic battle, and then continues with a love story, and, finally, a little corruption. It weaves so effortlessly that you never worry about choppy transitions. He does a fine job with this issue.

Jake Bilbao and Ivan Anaya do a wonderful job of laying out each scene of the story with some visually stunning art and they had their work cut out for them. I say that because there was a lot of actions and abilities used and they displayed them effortlessly. From the start of the rollercoaster to the end, these two artists did a fantastic job.

Overall, this is a series that you want to check out. It an exciting, fresh, and an interesting take on the famous world.



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