Powerpuff Girls #4 Review

PowerPuff Girls IDW Banner

Does world really need a continuation for an aged franchise?  Read on to find out.

The official description from IDW:

Beware crime, for the City of Townsville is being overrun with heroes! That’s right, the Ex-Villains have teamed up alongside the Powerpuff Girls as protectors of this fair city! Wow, Blossom was right; everyone DOES deserve a second chance after all! But WAIT… What’s that sound? Where is that evil laughter coming from? Oh no, something is going very wrong! Powerpuff Girls – HELP!!!

Powerpuff Girls 4_CWhat I love most about the possibilities hidden within the covers of every comic book, is the fact that almost anything can live again thanks to this medium.  If you have a pencil and a dream you can make some interesting things happen and in this case we’re getting a slice of childhood pie.  Trust me: it tastes good.

Troy Little impresses with a rather simplistic script that echoes all of the old school tropes associated with this franchise.  Using elements that are familiar, the author doesn’t push things further than they need to go, as he instead emulates what’s been done. That’s the one detriment of this yarn, as it’s painfully obvious that there’s no real attempt to be bold and try something different with these characters.  In my opinion though, that’s not an entirely bad thing as I easily fall into kid like antics without a thought or care.

Along with his solid text Troy Little builds the visual side well enough to let me absorb what’s on the page with a grin from ear to ear.  The amount of care taken to transition the primary source material more than works, as we see designs emboldened by a clear desire to capture what we know.  Thanks to the colors by Jeremy Colwell everything pops but once again it’s not doing more than emulate what we’ve already seen countless times before.

When it comes to Powerpuff Girls #4 I was a bit torn.  I appreciate what we have but I wish the creator would use this to push the franchise forward.  Still it earns a recommendation.



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