Pantha #4 Review

The end of the first story arc is here, but does is it have more bark than bite?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

“Dangerous Game” reaches its wild conclusion! It’s Nature VS. Nurture as Pantha must choose between the life she knows in the present, and the destiny that was set for her in the past! Is she a Goddess of Egypt – or an Agent of Order?

It’s been (prepare for the worst pun in this review) a chaotic slew of beginning issues for Pantha‘s new ongoing series.  The story arc has had some ups and downs as it suffered from some overly corny elements that became essential to the explanations of its own world events.  Nonetheless the author and artist deliver a solid conclusion that is nothing short of fun and engaging.

Brandon Jerwa handles the script and the series writer nails the elements in a way that allows the outlandish moments to be acceptable.  The pacing is solid as humor gives way to some corny but fascinating plot thread resolutions that ultimately yield a tale that will make any fan smile.  Let’s face facts, this is a comic book staring a woman who can transform into a panther who walks around in a bikini, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be more than whatever preconceived notions notions people have for it.  Sadly, it does not propel itself forward very far in that regard, but it does make some solid attempts.

Pow Podrix handles the art and his skills continue to improve with this latest release.  His overly simplistic style delivers features that ebb and flow with a unique but bland visual cadence, that on surface level appears to be devoid of any true details but somehow manages to capture just enough to lend itself credibility.  Yes there are moments where his pencil strokes yield some disappointing panels, but overall what we have here is an extremely solid and discernible look that jives with the script.

Pantha #4 is a solid conclusion that does what it needs to do in order to deliver a satisfying read.  Recommended.


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