Pantha #3 Review

Are the reveals in Pantha‘s latest outing worth perusing, or should fans skip this issue all together?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

The Conjuress pulls back the curtain and reveals some major cosmic truths to Pantha and her allies. Now, Pantha must face Mamba, the Blood Red Queen of Hearts, and the sinister god Seth himself to preserve the balance between Chaos and Order!

With the vile god, Chaos in a vulnerable state Pantha must step up and prevent a great evil from usurping his throne.  With bad girls and guys all over the place, our hero must attempt to fortify herself and deal with all of these terrors while trying to fix a past mistake.  Thankfully our bikini-clad warrior is more than ready to strap up and do what needs to be done.

Brandon Jerwa writes a decent script, that’s an engaging read but one that is simply plagued by some very shallow characterizations.  Given the series title and the stories therein our protagonist acts as fans would expect her to, but the rest of the cast is overly corny and a bit too goofy to swallow.  I get the fact that the narrative and characters at play here set the stage for some tongue-in-cheek moments, but it doesn’t excuse overly inflated dialogue that bogs down the story’s pace.

Pow Podrix continues to handle the art, offering a simple and clean visual style.  His characters are slightly deformed and a bit light on detail but his panels are dynamic nonetheless.  Whether we see a man getting his heart ripped out or our hero charging into battle, the art more than satisfies the narrative requirements.

Pantha #3 is a mostly fun comic book plagued by some script and art issues.  But if you’re already a fan then this latest little romp might be a bit underwhelming but it will not entirely disappoint.  Recommended.


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