Morning Glories #24 Review

Does this emotional gripping narrative still have the ability to entertain its audience? Or have the positive factors been buried by a gigantic load of questions?  Read on to find out.

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The morbid curiosity that simply carries this captivating series from issue to issue finally starts to show some results as the creative team paints a complex picture with some truly honest aspects. There are no simple right or wrong scenarios within these pages but the human emotions on display are certainly understandable even during the most despicable acts.

What we have here is a jaunt that keeps offering perplexities in an almost insurmountable rate, but somehow the series writer and co-creator Nick Spencer finds a way to make all the cogs in this proverbial machine work.  The words he writes feel both natural and genuine even in the most heightened situations. Now let me preface this specific release by once again advising that you need to read this yarn from the beginning but don’t worry at this point it’s more than worth the effort.  Because if you have spent the time sifting through pages of flashbacks and quirky dialogue things are certainly starting to bare some fascinating fruit.

Joe Eisma delivers on every possible level when it comes to the artistic side of things in this complicated saga.  His renditions of not just the cast of characters but their school with its various locals offers visual consistency that works in the most convenient ways.  He quite easily brings to life the actions and reactions called forth by the author as this epic full of betrayal and death marches ever onward to whatever conclusion this competent talents have in store for their captive audience.

Morning Glories #24 is yet another strong release in a sterling series. It would be easy to complain and say that not enough was answered in this specific piece but the revelation on the final page successfully peaked my interest.  In short, if you’ve been following this tale this latest bit of the growing puzzle is absolutely for you. Highly Recommended.


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