Morning Glories #21 Review

Does this riveting series continue to gain traction or is it buried under the weight of its questions?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Image:

Always somebody to run from.

The continuing saga of the Morning Glories Academy and its various students (former and current) continues in fascinating but imperfect fashion.  This series has used some interesting story techniques to shock readers into submission while offering fans very little in the way of answers, sadly this latest release is more of the same, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less engaging.

Series writer Nick Spencer continues to chart the narrative course with a solid script that will keep fans entertained, but it may be a bit too talky.  Not that dialogue is a bad thing, but there were times were bits felt rather overblown and explanations seemed like they were unnecessarily glossed over, as the story charged toward its inevitable cliffhanger.  This was a good continuation of last month’s gem, but I honestly wanted to close this latest release with more answers rather than questions.

Joe Eisma‘s work and versatility with this title continues to amaze me, as he sculpts fascinating panels and a realistic but somewhat disturbing world.  Everything on face value looks how any given academy should, but you can’t help but get a feeling of dread from each and every pencil stroke.  There’s a subtle dark nature that betrays an aura of foreboding, as each page charges forward in this narrative maze.

Morning Glories #21 is a good release from a series that month-to-month feels like it should be collected in several massive volumes so fans can eagerly flip through them and be amazed by the connections and answers therein.  That said, there are times where the quality feels like it takes a bit of a dip, and sadly this is one of those moments.  However, it still more than earns a solid recommendation.


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