Justice League #0 Review

Shazam and Pandora both get highlighted in this issue, but do they deserve to be in the spotlight?  Read on to find out.

The official description from DC:

• Billy Batson takes center stage in this issue as he unleashes the awesome power of Shazam in a special origin story!

• Also featuring the not-to-be-missed origin of Pandora and the next seeds of TRINITY WAR!

I’ll be honest I’ve never been all that jazzed about Shazam and I’ve been lukewarm on the idea of the New 52‘s forthcoming event, Trinity War, but these last few issues of Justice League have started to really peak my interest.  I certainly enjoyed the fact that the continuing back-up feature got the spotlight in this #0 issue, ultimately revealing connections that I’m sure will spill over into the greater DC universe.

Geoff Johns does a superb job on the script, offering a solid conclusion to the origin of this storied hero while maintaining the human aspects of our protagonist.  This tale was  inherently about a wizard trying to find the perfect person to wield his might, but the truth is the magic didn’t want perfection it wanted a champion that could strive to be better.  And that right there was the genius of this little romp, when you close the book you’ll realize we now have a completely flawed but interesting superhero that’s destined to play a big part in the New 52.

Gary Frank hits the art out of the park.  You could not have asked for a better artist to handle this retold origin of Shazam, he simply delivers in every possible way.  His panels are dynamic, while his pencil stokes reveal intricate details that most artist neglect to include in their work.  His ability to translate exquisite renderings on the comic page creates a believable world that perfectly suits the origin of Billy Batson.

The back-up feature, Questions, was a treat that offered a few crumbs about the mysterious Pandora.  Not much was revealed in the few pages offered, but the connections alluded to and the art by Ethan Van Sciver make it a welcome addition to this release.  The line and pencil work on display here perfectly suits the narrative written by Geoff Johns.

Justice League #0 is a very good comic book that’s simply worth any fans time, if you love the New 52 you will not regret picking this up.  Recommended.


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