Judge Dredd: Anderson, PSI-Division #4 Review

Judge Anderson is dealing with a lot after being caught and tied up. However, she is not one that is usually brought down so easily. Will she make it out alive? Read on to find out more.

The official description from IDW:

In an all-new adventure from Cassandra Anderson’s early days in Psi-Division, writer Matt Smith and artist Carl Critchlow present “King of the Six Sectors.” The theft of Cursed Earth artifacts has led Anderson from the mutant-filled swamplands near Texas City back to the criminal underground of Mega-City One, but nothing could prepare her for what’s coming next!

JudgeDredd-Anderson-Psi-04-pr-3-0a708Judge Anderson has been captured and she is dealing with that but at the same time she is learning a lot about the history of this villain. We learn about the fact that mutants helped give power and allowed this new enemy to get his psychic powers. However, it came at a price and some of things that were done are pretty horrific. It is really kind of gross. I really did enjoy this part because it did give us some look how evil this character is. Then we have some great psychic battles and they are pretty intense. The ending is pretty cool and does reveal some new stuff that may come into play.

Matt Smith is a really great writer and this side story that gives us a look at Anderson is pretty fantastic. I love Judge Anderson and this is a really cool story. I am excited to see where it goes.

Carl Critchlow has a unique art style that allows this comic to shine. It is quick and sleek. It adds another layer to the story. This is kind of a hard issue to draw because of flashbacks and psychic battles, that normally could be hard to draw but Critchlow makes it look easy.


  • + Anderson is just amazing
  • + The art is fantastic
  • + The villain brings a new dynamic
  • + A really fun and interesting story

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