Jennifer Blood #16 Review

There’s trouble in the Fellows household, will their marriage survive?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

Andrew Fellows has been having a very bad week – so bad he didn’t think things could get any worse. But then they got worse. Much worse. And now it’s up to his loving wife – aka Jennifer Blood – to do something about it.

When I began reading this issue, I found myself thinking about Amazing Spider-Man (Vol.2) #37.  Now I know that may be a strange way to start this review, but hear me out, that issue was a talk oriented one that offered repercussions for that series for years to come (until Brand New Day washed it all away, but I digress), and just like that release Jennifer Blood #16 is a talk oriented tale that is destined to have some serious consequences for this already stellar series.

Al Ewing writes a script that’s nothing short of engaging.  Instead of ignoring the potential narrative hurdles, he attacks them head on as he allows Andrew Fellows to stand upright as he confronts his wife.  It’s an awesome dyad piece that ebbs and flows with natural ques, as both Jennifer Blood and her husband attempt to come to terms with one another as their relationship enters uncharted waters.  The only narrative sidestep to be found here, happens when the story breaks away from this involved conversation to address other characters and  narrative elements.  When this happens these moments come off as unnecessary distractions that detract from an otherwise well thought out jaunt.

Eman Casallos does a fine job delivering some very good art.  Initially there were a few pages that looked a bit off but when the emotionally charged romp gets rolling, his work is certainly up to the challenge.  Expertly crafted panels, vibrant details and realistically rendered characters all add-up to a solid set of visuals that complement the script quite well.

Jennifer Blood #16 is a riveting read with consequences and a stellar cliffhanger.  Highly recommended.


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