Grimm Fairy Tales #82 Review

So where does the journey of this storied heroine go from here?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Zenescope Entertainment:

Out of prison and finally back on earth Sela looks to return to some semblance of the life she lived before she her exile. Intent on finding her daughter and Sela is sidetracked by an old friend who shows her that the earth needs her and her special gifts more than ever.  In a return to the format of the early issues of GFT, Sela teaches another Highborn a lesson by telling a new version of the classic fairy tale The Seal Skin.

There are so many complicated plot threads now facing this shared universe that it’s hard to keep track of them all.  But if you’ve been following all of the inter-connected mini-series, side-series or one-shots then by this point you know something is coming.  Based on that line of reasoning welcome to the ground floor of what is sure to be a stellar event.

Joe Brusha does an exceptional job with this script, as he breathes just enough narrative life into this seemingly unimportant story.  The author finds a way to imbue this unassuming tale with just enough meat to make its rather basic structure appealing in its simplicity.  Whether you were looking for a solid read or a literary success from beginning to end there’s a lot to love here.  With that said there were a few times where the dialogue felt a bit clunky but truth be told it was never a  big enough distraction to detract from the rest of the release.

The art by Federico De Luca is simply outstanding as he effortlessly illustrates the journey of Sela Mathers.  Whether dealing with Falsebloods or Highborns he brings a certain level of grace to some rather complicated scenes.  And despite a few select panels that seemed rather rushed his pencil strokes find a way to convey that right level of strength and authenticity.

Grimm Fairy Tales #82 is another good release that proves that there’s plenty to love with this aging franchise.  Recommended.


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