GODZILLA: Rulers of Earth #4 Review

DAWN OF DESTOROYAH! Rulers of Earth is back with a very action packed fourth installment. Does the series keep on par or start to falter? It’s definitely one fun comic. It’s good to see Godzilla being represented in such a way that was lacking greatly in the previous two ongoings.

Here’s the official description from IDW:

While the CKR forces won the battle in San Diego, the war has just begun! When new forces pit their ultimate weapon against a weakened Godzilla, help from unexpected allies will be needed!

The action hits a fever-pitch in an event that fans will be talking about for ages to come!

This issue is one of the most important comics yet. Why? Destoroyah makes his debut. Yes, he appeared in the fantastic Legends #1 from two years ago, but this is his first appearance within the canon comic book world. A thing I like about Rulers of Earth is that the covers, hype, and descriptions don’t lie. Godzilla, Destoroyah, and Mothra all appear for one of the most dynamic and best monster fights to be captured in a comic.

Chris Mowry can write some pretty cool aliens. The Devonians continue to be a great background force behind the monsters, classic Showa fare. His rendition of Steven Woods is still more like Boxer than his Kingdom of Monsters counterpart, sadly. Lucy is the one that improves, she’s finally back after an issue’s absence. Mowry puts her quirkiness and smart level intellect to good use, I’m actually looking forward to seeing her in the coming issues.

The bulk of the issue is dedicated to the fight between Godzilla and Destoroyah, and boy does it deliver. Matt Frank’s art is unparalleled, the battle comes alive with fantastic and sometimes insane monster reactions. Destoroyah for example has some extreme roar closeups, Frank easily captures his demonic appearance. Mothra pops in to assist Godzilla, which was fun. The splash page with her is one of the finest and most beautiful images of her I’ve ever seen. The main cover is pretty solid and unique, having a scarred Godzilla about to be confronted by Destoroyah. Jeff Zornow’s variant is easily the superior one however, being a fantastic piece featuring Godzilla, Destoroyah, and Mothra. Zornow perfectly captures the most realistic look a reader can ask for.

Overall, this was an extremely enjoyable comic. It’s light, but retains a good story. The fight between Godzilla and Destoroyah is utterly fantastic, and Mothra adds to it with such a beautiful look Frank perfectly captures. With Varan appearing next month, the wait is going to be pretty tough.


Daniel is the biggest Godzilla fan on Unleash the Fanboy. Besides the Big G himself, his favorite monster is Rodan and you can follow him on Twitter:@Destroyer_199

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