Ghosted #11: Review

Who’s on the mood for a one-shot origin story with tons of blood, action, and heavy doses of the occult. Yeah, I am, too! And Ghosted #11 absolutely delivers.

Here’s the official word from Image:

In death Anderson continues to haunt Jackson Winters, but in life she was far more terrifying! GORAN SUDZUKA returns to document this fan favorite’s secret history!

I’ll offer the best praise I can muster for Joshua Williamson’s latest installment of Ghosted: there is literally notghosted_11 one wrong beat here. For a series that’s been mostly cool (but with a few moments of that qualify as “kinda dumb”) issue #11 raises the bar dramatically, offering a narrative that’s both emotionally fulfilling and dramatically on-point. In Ghosted #11 we see the origin story of recently toasted antagonist Anderson, the femme fatale hired by Marcus Schrecken to steal a ghost way back in the first arc. Yeah, she’s been haunting Jackson Winters ever since her death, but she’s mostly been an unknown quantity, too, despite her ample air-time. Here, Williamson offers a great backstory that’s told in just the right way — through action and dramatic flare. There’s very little rambling here; the details we get pertain to the story, which makes this read drum tight.

The art, delivered by Goran Sudzka is also delightfully spot-on. The character renderings are elegant, the expressions sharp, and the violence acute.

Great issue. Go grab this thing today.

+ Great Art + Great Origin Story

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