Geoff Johns And John Romita Jr. Are The New SUPERMAN Creative Team


Superman is about to get another creative team, but this time DC has busted out the superstars to write the Man of Steel. On today’s episode of DC All Access, DC Comics revealed that Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. would take over the “Superman” monthly title starting summer 2014.

“We’ve been talking about Superman now for quite awhile, and it’s gonna be a blast,” Johns said.

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Klaus Johnson, who worked on Captain America with Romita, will also join the series as inker. Johns and Romita are replacing Scott Lobdell, who has been writing “Supeman since October 2012. Lobdell.

Romita, who has primarily drawn for Marvel Comics most of his career, expressed both his excitement and nervousness at taking on the iconic character.

This going to be interesting. I actually am a little intimidated seeing how many great artists have imaged it before. This is not an easy thing to sail smoothly through.

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Johns and Romita spoke with IGN today about their upcoming partnership, and Romita, whose contract with Marvel recently ended, reaffirmed his nervousness at drawing Superman.

I’ve said before, I’m a little bit intimidated for the soul purpose that there are so many people who have done it before me, and done it very well — exceptionally well, iconic versions. So if you concentrate too much, you feel like you’re following a Hall of Famer in a position on a baseball field. You can’t do that. So all I can do is do the best I can do.

Johns also gave IGN a tagline for what their Superman story will be about.

For me, as far as the story goes, my tagline for the story is “Putting the Man of Tomorrow back in the Man of Tomorrow.” It’s really looking at Superman and getting back to the core values and attributes and strengths of Superman. Really, the Man of Tomorrow is the theme, for me, that we’re going to tackle in this first storyline.

Whether you love Johns or hate him, you can’t deny that he’s a miracle worker when it comes to revitalizing DC characters, whether it was his nine-year run on Green Lantern or his recent 25-issue run on Aquaman. Since Romita’s work has mostly been with Marvel Comics, it will be interesting seeing his unique art style being applied to a DC character.

Despite being one of DC’s most popular characters, Superman has had trouble getting footing since the New 52 started. Although Action Comics has had some good runs with Grant Morrison and more recently Greg Pak, as well as the Superman Unchained series by Scott Snyder and Jim Lee receiving critical praise as well, the main Superman book hasn’t experienced the same kind of traction. Hopefully Johns and Romita will be able to give the book the push it needs to become one of DC’s best titles. With the Man of Steel, it shouldn’t be anything less.