G.I Joe: Special Missions #12

G.I Joe_Special_missions_bannerAfter the last issue, G.I Joe: Special Missions #12 has a lot to build on. This issue starts to build up the next arc and get things underway. So, is it good enough?

The official description from IDW:

DESTRO MUST DIE part three! It’s a three-way showdown between the JOEs, COPPERBACK and a mysterious Mark II B.A.T. in an abandoned town from the old Soviet Union. And HELIX is here to tip the balance. The search for DESTRO continues and the noose around the villainous highlander begins to tighten!

This issue makes for a satisfying read and, for the most part, will go in directions that aren’t the most obvious. The ending is something that may displease a few people, but I find it the decision a more unique choice. It’s ideas such as this that make Special Missions worth while, taking the G.I Joe Special Missions 12title into interesting locations while still sticking with a small cast.

Chuck Dixon makes this his advantage when writing the script. Beside the addition of Helix, there hasn’t been much in the way of new/long returning characters in this arc. Dixon makes the most of this, preferring to focus on the interactions between the small cast – often through cat and mouse interactions. This is where G.I Joe often comes into its own, so its good to see an author playing to the franchise’s strengths.

Visually, we have the same aesthetic seen in the last few issues. Paul Gulacy’s style has plenty of definition and, while not perfect, his depiction of human faces doesn’t bother me as much in this issue. Overall, it’s a small but noticeable improvement for the series. Likewise, the snow setting isn’t something seen much – for a franchise focused on shadows and espionage, how often does white appear? That said, expect the colors (from Aburtov and Graphikslava) to provide plenty of shadows.

All in all, this is a fairly good example of Special Missions. It promises small scale and big action, which is much better than the opposite. Its fluid, dynamic and – above all else – entertaining.



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