Fatale #19 Review

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Can anyone handle a relationship with Jo?  Or is she destined to walk the world alone?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Image:

Rock ‘n’ roll, robbery, and ritual murder collide in ’90s Seattle as the fourth arc of FATALE comes to a shattering conclusion… and the secret identity of Nic’s present day helper is revealed. Is he who he claims to be?

And remember each issue of FATALE contains extra content, articles, and artwork that are not available anywhere but the printed single issues.

Fatale 19_CThere’s a lot to love about this darkly depressing odyssey, which follows the continuing exploits of THE femme fatale. We see the cost of her gifts, but it’s the clear toll on her personally that makes yet another messy interaction compelling. We may not be ending an arc that leads to bold new material, but this creative team succeeds in keep the familiar intriguing.

Ed Brubaker is a master when it comes to causing intimate chaos. By that I mean, he takes this band and slowly but surely uses our protagonist, perhaps antagonist depending on your perspective, to cause a rift between these stalled collaborators. Trust me, what I just wrote is the biggest understatement of the year, as fans peel pack this book and earn a striking glimpse of the sins of not only our tertiary players but also a specific sadistic addition that’s been hunting in the background.

It’s the art by Sean Phillips that really catches my eye, as he continually offers a soft palette that belies a negative nature. It’s a brooding darkness that expands the impact of this specific journey, as we see men destroy each other over a gifted woman. In particular the facial expressions found within these pages highlight the heart of this piece, without overextending the talent’s own unique efforts.

Fatale #19 is without a doubt a really good comic book. It comes directly from a strong creative team that knows how to crescendo their work to a proper finish, but it left me a bit underwhelmed as familiar territory is once again covered. Recommended.



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