Drumhellar #10: Review

If you want a title that reads like Twin Peaks with even heavier doses of psychedelic dreams, then Drumhellar might be exactly what you’re looking for. But issue #10 sure ain’t the place to start.

Here’s the official word from Image:

Drum strikes a deal that might keep him alive, but at what cost? The consequences ripple across time and space to affect the living, the dead, and the unborn alike, and Drum learns he might be a pawn in a game of cosmic proportions. Well, at least it’s barbecue seaDrumhellar_10-1son…

The reveal of issue #9 was this: Drum is going to be a daddy. And, because there’s every indication in the universe that Drum would be terrible at this job, the ghosts of Neglected Children Past spent the majority of issue #9 trying to kill him. Having failed at that, these tiny ghosts are now trying to convince Drum to sabotage the pregnancy with a little green pill and that’s the primary action of this story. I won’t spoil the issue by telling you if he fails, but I will share this: what felt the start of a new arc abruptly here end, and with a whimper. Yes, we get a quick reveal of Drum’s own cosmic origins, but it only kinda fits into the story at hand. While it’s true that plot has never been the forte of writers Riley Rossmo and Alex Link story takes an especially back-back seat for the art with issue 10. But hey, the art is beautiful.

Yes, Russmo’s art is gorgeous, ephemeral, and museum worthy. And with issue #10, it’s fun too. As proof that art trumps story with Dumhellar, just take a look at the knock-out full page panel of Neil Armstrong wolfing’ out over the moon. Does it fit into the plot? Nope. But when a comic is willing to offer that much real estate to illustrating a throw-away line, the art better be good. Luckily, Russmo is better than good — he’s brilliant.

Overall, a muted ending to a two-issue arc. But the art is worth the cover price alone.

+Awesome Art - Thin Story

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