Avengers Arena #8 Review

Previously in Avengers Arena:

  • We learned how Arcade became the mega maniac that we know and love…I meant loathe.
  • That’s pretty much it.

Here is the summary from Marvel:

  • A new story arc begins! What are X-23’s secrets…and what is Darkhawk’s big reveal?
  • It’s 2 chances in 1 month to discover why iFanboy calls AVENGERS ARENA “a ton of fun” and IGN promises that “You will be convinced this series has taken the kid gloves off!”.

After the dust settles from the fall out of issue 6: X-23 is now on her own, Apex & Death Locket have run off to parts unknown, & Kid Briton is dead at the feet of Anachronism (SPOILER!). After coming upon Anachronism, Bloodstone, & Nara; Cammi & the Runaways strike a momentary truce with them and exchange food and info. Meanwhile Laura finds herself alone in the desert when she happens upon Juston, who is still alive. However things soon go to hell when the all the kids meet up and Juston attacks Death Locket, inadvertenly angering Chase who taps into Darkhawk’s power.

Dennis Hopeless focuses more on the fall out of past events which is good, as it gives time for the next death to sink in. This issue gets into the mind of Laura and how she views the events. She comments that the moment they were transported to the item and Arcade explained the rules, she had already singled out everyone and how she would kill them and she does it again as she watches the events unfold at the end of the issue. That is some freaky stuff (but she was created to be a weapon and it is a fight for survival so it’s not too shocking). Juston comes back and has lost his sunny dispostion due to his Sentinel sacrificing itself and his friends leaving him on his own. The remaining Braddock’s and Cammi’s group talk leading to some nice developments and a reveal about Apex certainly shocks Death Locket and the reader.

Kev Walker’s pencils still keep right along with Hopeless’ engaging script. You can see the fatigue and frustration on Laura’s face as she treks through the desert, and the pure anger on Juston’s when he finds Death Locket. There isn’t too much action this issue, if at all, but there doesn’t need to be as this issue is mostly set up for this arc.

Avengers Arena #8 is a good start to the next story arc. Characters are growing desperate, alliances are formed, and secrets come to light. As this comic rolls on, the winner of this contest becomes more and more blurred.


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