2000AD #1858 Review

2000-AD-LOGOWho doesn’t love a bit of 2000AD? This week we have 2000AD #1858, with offerings of Judge Dredd, Brass Sun, Flesh, Tharg’s 3rillers and Damnation Station. Let’s take a closer look.

First up is Judge Dredd with the start of a new arc. Straight away it’s apparent this issue is going to be very, very different. Emma Beeby’s story looks to take Dredd in a new direction, with this issue showing the perspective of a child and, dare I say it, 2000AD_1858innocence. Furthermore, the watercolor and ink based artwork of John Burns compliments this exceptionally well. More please!

Next is more Brass Sun. In this issue, Ian Edginton moves between two worlds and ventures into more of the back-story. Even if you didn’t know it already, this catches everyone up to speed and, besides that, it’s some well written lore that hits all the right notes. Combine this with the visuals of Inj Culbard and this is one of those issues that reminds you why you love Brass Sun, even if its the simple thrill of visiting a new world.

This is followed by more Flesh, where Pat Mill’s script really starts to come together after weeks and weeks of build up. Yet it delivers plenty of charm and wit here, all combined with James McKays striking visuals.

Tharg’s 3rillers comes after this, with an end to Robert Murphy’s interesting and impressive script. My only complaint is its too short – with a concept like that, surely you’d want to explore it more than a self-wrapped three issue story? That aside, Jesus Redondo and Eva De La Cruz close the story out with some decent atmospheric visuals and color.

This week’s issue, as it has done lately, closes out with some epic Damnation Station. This might be Al Ewing’s best writing yet, offering character depth and backstory all in one. Its split between two narratives but eases flawlessly – no doubt helped by Mark Harrison’s artwork that switches between elegantly deep and disgustingly beautiful when it needs to.



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