2000AD #1829 Review

Another week, of course, brings another 2000AD. This week, 2000AD #1829 contains Judge Dredd, Dandridge, Zombo, Tharg’s 3rillers and Stickleback. Let’s take a closer look at each individually.

First up, as always, is Judge Dredd. This concludes the small arc penned by Gordon Rennie and Emma Beeby. Whilst not exactly over whelming, its a slightly satisfying ending. None the less, its good to see an issue that isn’t centered around the titular judge. With the same standard of visuals we’ve come to expect from Paul Davidson, this doesn’t look out of place in any Judge Dredd collection.

Next up is more Dandridge. This is a rather tense seen, although Alec Worley continues to write in plenty of bizarre humor and surprise along the way. Warren Pleece also continues to offer a detailed look into this wonderful and wacky world, blending the supernatural and scientific elements together well.

This is followed by more Zombo, where Al Ewing continues to offer an unusual, bizarre and, at times, disturbing script. Full of violence and a quirky sense of humor, Zombo continues to appeal to a more niche audience. This is accompanied by the art of Henry Flint, which jumps between dark gritty panels of reddish brown and panels full of bright, colorful explosion. Its an interesting title, and Zombo continues to be as unique as possible.

After this is the end of the current Tharg’s 3rillers. David Baillie continues to write a fast paced story. The action is quick and delivered well, but the ending is one that may put many on the fence. I, for one, thought it was rather satisfying, but others might have wished to explore the back story or setting more. This, of course, wasn’t helped by Inaki Miranda and Eva De La Cruz’s  wonderful visuals; at only three issues, I’ll be sad to see it leave.

Finally, we end on more Stickleback. Ian Edginton offers plenty of action this week, including a half-man, half-dinosaur-thing, but its not without its charm and humor. Again, D’Israeli lends some striking visuals to give this piece instant appeal and notice. If you can get into the weird and fantastical setting, this is a story that has a lot to offer.


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