Man of Steel Will Be Featured in New Lego Batman

It’s been a few years since the release of LEGO Batman, but don’t worry, game developer Traveller’s Tales has been hard at work making the perfect sequel. This time around Gotham’s worst villains have united against the Caped Crusader, which is a pretty damn original premise… if you ignore last year’s wildly successful Arkham City, that is.

All sass aside, this new LEGO game looks to be pretty damn amazing, especially because it’s not limited to Bruce Wayne and his Bat-themed accomplices. A whole horde of DC superheroes will be playable in this game, which makes a lot of sense, considering it’s official title is LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes (they’re spelling it wrong, I know!). Check out the official trailer below for more, including the Man of Steel‘s official introduction.

We all win whenever we get to see a good old fashioned team-up between Superman and Batman, unless they’re fighting each other, in which case Bats is the only winner… what a stud.