Mark Hamill ditches STAR WARS FORCE AWAKENS promo to visit sick children

All that we’ve been able to talk about is the new movie that is currently knocking box office records; the Star Wars the Force Awakens film. If you have not seen it yet, then what are you waiting for?! Go watch it right now! Well, after you read this article of course.

Mark Hamill who plays Luke Skywalker decided to ditch his promo appearance in order to visit sick children at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London or GOSH for short. No surprise that Mark Hamill is a nice gentlemen and this just proves what he has done was done without a second thought in the world.

He reportedly met with dozens of children and visited with kids such as Jake Morgan, who is recovering from a kidney transplant, and a boy named Oscar.


“It was great to meet Mark,” said Samantha Morgan, Jake’s mother. “We always watch the films. My brother Scott is a huge fan – he made me watch them when I was little. He is going to be amazed.”

According to The Independent, the other members of the cast were taping an appearance on “The Graham Norton Show” which Mark Hamill decided not to attend in order to visit the children at the hospital.

GOSH shares a photo of Mark Hamill and Oscar playing around as Oscar has a stethoscope and is doing a “check up” on the actor.

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“Thanks for the check-up, Oscar,” Hamill wrote.

The Independent is campaigning for GOSH which the United Kingdom’s government will match the funds.

The hospital later thanked Mark Hamill for coming over and saying hello and putting a smile on the children’s faces.

CNN reported that this wasn’t Hamill’s only charitable effort in what can one assume has been a very busy month for the actor, with the premiere of The Force Awakens and all of the promotions going on for the film.

Earlier this month, Hamill wore a storm trooper uniform in the Omaze charity fundraising effort, and was also giving away a trip to the premiere to The Force Awakens.

“One of the greatest things I am given because of the profession I am in is the ability to give back,” said Hamill. “It feels wonderful. It can be harrowing emotionally because your heart goes out to these children but it’s also very uplifting. You walk away thinking being an actor is so trivial compared to helping needy children.”

Well done Mr. Hamill well done.