Kevin Fiege Talks The Additional Avengers Scene

Recently, at a press conference for The Avengers Robert Downey Jr sparked rumours that a new scene for the movie was being shot that night – after the film’s US premiere. Later on, Mark Ruffalo confirmed that they were shooting an additional scene, and Chris Hemsworth was later spotted in battle make-up. Many believed that it was an after-credits scene that was deliberately left out of the early screening’s to go along with a mid-credits scene. Speaking at the European premiere of The Avengers last night Kevin Fiege commented on those rumors and put them to rest.

“I will tell you this: It was not a scene. It was not a scene. There’s little things. It’s been blown out of proportion. Which is fun, I like that things are blown out of proportion. Sometimes they’re true sometimes they’re not. There is the potential that there will be one little change. People might not even notice it. It’s not a big thing.”

SOURCE: Blogomatic 3000 (Via Bleeding Cool)