Today was a big day for Nintendo, chock full of announcements, some of which involves Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Wii U and 3DS, of course! We have 0ur 32 character: Palutena, of Kid Icarus fame!

For those who don’t know, Palutena is the goddess that Pit works for. She got a popularity boost thanks to the recent Kid Icarus: Uprising 3DS game. She will be the second character from the franchise to appear in Smash Bros.

Marth Palutena

Its always cool having another female character, and a goddess at that! Even cooler, her confirmation came with a very coo, trailer – anime style, which you can view here! Its very cool.

In sadder news, the 3DS version of the game has been pushed back from Summer to October 3. Its possible Nintendo wants the game to come out closer to the Wii U version.


Finally, in other news, the Mii’s will be compatible, as rumored! You can customize them into three types: Brawler, swordfighter, and gunner! More details will be revealed soon.

Not bad in a days work, I’d say! The game looks fun as ever (maybe more so). This will be the fighting game to get this year! Super Smash Bros. will come out for the 3DS in October, and Wii U this Winter.

So…are you guys hyped for Palutena? Are you annoyed at the 3DS delay? Will you try out the Mii’s? Sound off!


Source: IGN