Okay not exactly, but one can’t help but feel that the series seems to be straying from it’s roots ever so slightly. This comes from the rumored news that the next Assassin’s Creed game will be called Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag.

There have been rumors swirling around this title ever since a Redditor claimed to have seen the title while taking a sneaky peak at the Powerpoint presentation in the lap of a woman sat in front of him. People pondered if it would be more naval warfare based DLC for Assassin’s Creed 3 but a poster has surfaced with the logo for Assassin’s Creed IV, as well as some potential box art.

First up was a poster supposedly used for marketing purposes as of March 4th:

While on the flip side is what looks like that game’s map – placing it in the Carribean. This is in line with what Ubi has said about a new character and a new location:

Cheers for the image Kotaku

Finally, posted on the Ubisoft forums of what looks like it could be the box art of the new game:

Now as burnt out as I am on the yearly Assassin’s Creed games, pirates are irresistibly fascinating and we rarely get a good game based on them. Sure four guns may be overkill and it’s a far shout from the stalking people to find the right opportunity to get all knifey on their necks but if it is done well it could be great.

It’s a shame Ubisoft felt the need to put the Assassin’s Creed brand on it, but hey, pirates!

Source: VG24/7