Tommy responds to POWER/RANGERS Perfectly

The one and only Jason David Frank chimed in on the controversial fandom fantastic short Power/Rangers. And I think it’s safe to say that the Green Ranger responded perfectly while keeping big and little kids present and accounted for.

He’s right. I’m with the majority of the internet when I say that, as goofy as it was, the tiny flick hit some solid nots. But as someone who grew up with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers I want to see childhood heroes act responsibly while keeping the brand, the former audience and the current generation in mind.

It’s a hard balancing act to be sure, but for a franchise that wants more with something new and old it needs to be handled with care. As we all look to the future and hope for some hard hitting action wrapped up in nostalgic feels that come along with the uttered phrase, “it’s morphin time,” we have to keep in mind that a new group of kids are watching and they matter too.

So let me say once again: Jason David Frank, the Green Ranger, is right.

But what do you think? Did Power/Rangers go too far? Should there be an adult iteration of these heroes?

Sound off with your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.