THE FLASH Takes a ‘Peek-a-Boo’ At Its Latest Baddie

It’s a fun feeling when your fan theories are confirmed. After watching the latest promo for The Flash, a lot of people were wondering was the mysterious girl seen on last night’s teaser for the upcoming midseason premiere of The Flash, “Revenge of the Rogues.” Well, my suspicions were confirmed today. The girl is Britne Oldford, a Canadian actress recognizable for her roles on Skins and FX’s American Horror Story. She will be playing Shawna Baez (a variation of Lashawn Baez), known to some Flash fans as Peek-A-Boo, a reluctant criminal who used her metahuman ability of teleportation against the Scarlet Speedster.

Britne Olford Peek-a-Boo

Co-created by Executive Producer and DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns during his run (speedster joke) on The Flash comic series, Baez was a grad student at Central City Medical School who put aside her studies to take care of her father when he got ill. When she tried to steal a kidney to transplant for him, she ended up captured by the combined efforts of The Flash and Cyborg. On the show, Oldford’s Peek-a-Boo will be the girlfriend of Clay Parker, an Iron Heights inmate who was arrested for working with a big-time crime lord in Central City. Parker convinces her other to break him out of prison and use her powers to pull off one last heist before leaving town for good. The Flash has already dealt with human bombs, men of steel, weather wizards, and electric zombies. Facing off against a teleporter should be a real challenge. Let’s just hope she doesn’t whip out the roller blades on the show!


What do you think of the latest addition to The Flash’s rogues gallery? Do you prefer her TV origins to the comic version? Sound off with a comment below!