MARVEL’S DAREDEVIL Gets a Release Date

Having teased us with casting announcements, as well as showing footage during October’s New York Comic Con, Marvel has certainly build a ton of hype surrounding it’s first Netflix series, Marvel’s Daredevil. Well now they put the final nail in the coffin so to speak, announcing the premiere date for the Netflix Original series: April 10th.

That’s right fanboys and fangirls, come April 10th, at 12:01 AM PT, the first season to feature The Man Without Fear will become available in all territories that have Netflix. That however isn’t the best news, as all thirteen episodes will become available at once.

Daredevil_Netflix_Matt_Murdock (edited)

Well I have to say I’m gobsmacked, as though Netflix is known for allowing it’s audience to binge watch the latest seasons of their favourite shows, I never expected such a high profile series like Marvel’s Daredevil, or Marvel themselves to allow this. One thing is for certain; come April 10th there’ll be a lot of fanboys and fangirls not showing up for work, being glued to their monitors, or television sets.

But does releasing all thirteen episodes at once seem logical? Or will fans sicken themselves before too long? I find it very hard to imagine the latter, as though the notion of finishing the first season in lightning quick speed leaves me in two minds, I’m sure the show itself will prosper from the binge adicts.


But what do you my fellow fanboys and fangirls think? Has Marvel and Netflix made the right call distributing every episode of Marvel’s Daredevil? Or is it too much too soon?

Sound off with your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below! And be sure to let us know whether you’ll be a binge addict, or plan on savoring the moment.

Daredevil poster

SOURCE: Marvel