The future has changed! But how will the Artifacts shape Aphrodite IX and the IXth Generation’s future? Read on to find out.

The official description from Top Cow:

In the future there is no more natural death, no needs unfilled and everything you could ever want is yours… as long as you’re one of the ones chosen to live in this new Utopia and you’re willing to subjugate yourself to these new self-proclaimed gods with “IX”s emblazoned on them. Do the ends truly justify the means? Is a utopia built on genocide worth the price? Aphrodite, Velocity, Hades, and the other Nines establish fiefdoms in this new world and attempt to rule. Their internal clashes have escalated, but they are forced to put that aside as they face off against the relentless hordes of the Darkness. The sins of the past have come to claim those who would pretend to be Gods. The cybernetic future established in APHRODITE IX and CYBER FORCE finally comes face-to-face with the supernatural ARTIFACTS side of the Top Cow universe!

ixgen001_covBsocialI have to admit, I’ve been extremely excited for the release of this series, with it’s predecessor, Aphrodite IX, being one of my favourite series from Top Cow in the last couple of years. Moving into a new era for the character, this issue shifts the story a further 25 years into the future, with the IXth Generation having a dominant grip over their serving cyborgs. The issue also follows on from the teasing conclusion of Aphrodite IX/Cyber Force #1, and how the Artifacts will affect the future.

Being very much an issue of two halves, Matt Hawkins does a terrific job of setting up a wonderful premise, making this a story that’ll appeal to fans both old and new. Despite this, I did find the narration in the opening section to be a little bulky, as though I admire that Hawkins is trying to bring everyone up to speed, it felt a little overbearing at times. He does however bounce back nicely from this with the hostility between Aphrodite and the other IX’s being very dramatic. He also brings the issue to an exciting close, with the Artifacts being used wonderfully.

Stjepan Šejić‘s artwork was easily the highlight of Aphrodite IX, as though Hawkins narration, and plot was astonishing, it wouldn’t have been as spectacular without Šejić’s art. This proves the same with IXth Generation, with the sensational layouts, and elaborate scenery quickly reminding me why I loved Aphrodite IX so much. He also gives tons of energy, with the emotion of Aphrodite, and the exhilarating action, allowing for some truly captivating moments. The painted colours of Šejić also continue to be as phenomenal as ever, resonating the tone of Hawkins’ script brilliantly.

IXth Generation #1 does a wonderful job of bringing the world of Artifacts and Aphrodite IX together, as despite getting off to a rocky start, the issue quickly bounces back to be a real sensation, having this fanboy hooked for more. Recommended.

  • + She's back!
  • + Matt Hawkins brings two world together in a fabulous fashion.
  • + Stjepan Šejić's art never fails to astound!
  • - The narration near the start is a little bulky, and overbearing.

S#!T Talking Central

  • Kondorr

    Cannot wait for it… but I had to pass on this one in order to wait for TPB…