It must seem like we’re really starting to beat this issue to death, but it’s a really relevant question to ask…is Joker in the Dark Knight Rises? We’ve already discussed this in a few articles before, but let’s take another look.

My new suspicions arise from one, single fact. Something that may have gone unnoticed by most fans, but a suspicion that’s recently garnered more scrutiny. Just look at the picture below:

Pretty bizarre, right? Admittedly, there’s plenty of ways to explain this, but I’m having a hard time accepting any of them. The most obvious one is that Christopher Nolan loves using actors with whom he’s previously worked. Having directed Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the 2010 thriller Inception, it seems like a completely rational decision to re-draft the young actor for TDKR.

But that simple excuse doesn’t really stop me from wondering…is there some type of connection between Gordon Levitt’s “John Blake” and the Joker? Come on…they look too much alike for it to be a simple coincidence.

I know you guys have opinions, so sound off in the comments below.