DOCTOR WHO’s Twelfth Doctor Dons His New Threads


Doctor Who‘s Christmas special Time of the Doctor featured the sendoff of Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, but just as out heart strings were being tugged at when he was delivering his own eulogy, we didn’t get to savor it for long. In the blink of an eye, Eleven transformed into the Twelfth Doctor, the first Doctor in a set of new regenerations. Unfortunately, he was only on screen for less than a minute, and other than see some post-regeneration amnesia, we won’t know what type of Doctor he’ll be until the show comes back…in eight months!

Lucky for us Who fans, the BBC has decided to throw us a bone and give us the first official look at the new costume the Twelfth Doctor will be wearing. Take a look below!


Twelfth Doctor actor Peter Capaldi had this to say about the new outfit.

He’s woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord.

Meanwhile, show-runner Steven Moffat sent a warning to all those who would oppose the Doctor in his new duds.

New Doctor, new era, and of course new clothes. Monsters of the universe, the vacation is over – Capaldi is suited and booted and coming to get you!

Filming on season 8 of Doctor Who began earlier this month and is expected to continue until August. Characters to return include companion Clara Oswald, as well as the Paternoster Gang consisting of Jenny, Vastra and Strax. The first episode is slated to take place directly after the regeneration in Time of the Doctor. Unlike season 7, the eighth season will be transmitted continuously without any breaks.


The shirt’s collar is a bit too high for my tastes, but other than that I like the look. Like Capaldi said, it’s a cool mix of the past and future into one outfit. It does bare some similarity to Eleven’s last costume, but I think there are enough differences to solidify it as a unique look. Now I just have to ditch my post Matt Smith-regeneration blues and hope that the new guy will have the chops to save the universe while looking stylish. He probably will.

SOURCE: Cultbox