Armageddon from writer Rodney Roger and artist Andres Quezada Pena is a story that is straight forward enough, told in two parts and in what appears to be two perspectives. That is debatable after you read the final page but I’m not sure all that necessary.

Part one is told from the perspective of a reformed prisoner from the underworld preparing for a battle against the demons of a creature named Armageddon who is hell bent on leading the end-of-the-world. Roger’s writing is minimal, to the point and punchy but while Pena’s art starts off in shadowy figures using mostly negative space it quickly becomes repetitive and bland. I wish Pena would have been more detailed in his action sequences which I thought would greatly enrich an escalating battle for ultimate survival.

Part two, written and illustrated by Mike Gallagher,  is told from an earthy point of view from a down and out archeologist. He has lost his family, his job and his passion for life when he stumbles upon, quite conveniently, an artifact that could be the sole key to stop Armageddon’s attack. It begins as a sad tale of one man’s downfall quickly to his investigation and subsequent complete understanding into the impending assault from Armageddon. Gallagher’s art style and his use of negative space is front and center however I felt from time to time it was difficult to decipher what was happening in any given panel. His use of monotone color I believe was part of the problem. His Frank Miller inspired art approach was welcome but not always as clearly defined which turned out to be quite the distraction.

Armageddon was well thought out but not quite as well executed and the art made it difficult to follow at times. The story has potential and I can recommend this book solely based on what the author and artist’s overall intentions had in mind. I just hope that the following issues take into consideration an audience’s need for clarity to make this style of storytelling effective.


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