If you’ve got a spare bit of cash lying around and fancy treating yourself to some fine Star Wars artwork in celebration of The Force Awakens, then we’ve got you covered!
The UK-based Art Thief Gallery has put up a bunch of awesome prints up for sale by the very talented Jonathan Lam and Petros Afshar, focusing on the villains of the Star Wars Saga. There’s everyone from Darth Vader to Darth Nihilus; Boba Fett to Captain Phasma; Kylo Ren to General Grievous – and more! The good thing is, they’re pretty cheap, being sold at £25 a piece (that’s $38 for you yanks), which is decent for original artwork. Check some of ’em out below!
For those of you who are concerned that UTF has finally sold its soul to the devil – don’t worry, we’re still as pure as a drug addict. Art Thief got in touch with us because they wanted to share their work on the site, and we were happy to oblige, as we will always be if you’ve created something fun and geeky.
So what are you waiting for? Head on over to their site and take a look at the rest!!!
Y’know, I’m thinking that I see an early Christmas present for myself in the Kylo Ren print…
…or perhaps the Darth Vader one. Or Emperor Palpatine’s? Gah, I can’t decide. Thanks a lot, Art Thief!
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