THE AVENGERS Director Joss Whedon Endorses Mitt Romney, But Not In The Way You Think…

As a Brit, I try to stay clear of anything and everything related to US Politics and the Presidential Race going on at the moment – although due to the fact that my entire Twitter timeline is now comprised of Mitt Romney insults by journalists and film news it’s proving rather difficult. Anyway, yesterday director of The Avengers Joss Whedon uploaded a video to Youtube talking about who he will be supporting when it comes to voting time – and it’s none other than Mitt Romney.

To put it in Joss’ words, “Mitt Romney is a very different candidate, one with a vision and the determination to cut through ‘business as usual’ politics and finally put this country back on the path to the zombie apocalypse.” Watch the video below:

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Did you hear that guys? Vote Zomney! I have to say, when I first watched this video last night I wondered if Joss’ video was in genuine support of the Republican candidate – then I remembered who I was watching. What did you think fo the video, and who will you be voting for in a few days time? Share your thoughts below.

SOURCE: Youtube