John Williams

STAR WARS EPISODE 7 Scoop : Return of John Williams! And more emphasis on characters!

“A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..”

.. a man called John Williams  has confirmed that he will be returning to score the upcoming STAR WARS EPISODE VII! Jedi masters, Padawans, and even Jar Jar Binks Fans (Who are virtually non-existent, let me tell you) can be heard rejoicing!

John Williams
The man himself announced this in a video at the Star Wars Celebration Europe. John Williams was of course the musical legend that brought us crowning musical moments of Awesome from movies like the Indiana Jones films, Jaws, and of course all 6 of the Star Wars movies.

He had this to say about his return:

“I look forward to returning to a galaxy far, far away… I actually feel like I never left it. I’m happy to be a continuing part of the Star Wars saga… and the joy in the journey of discovery that awaits us all.”

You can view the video in it’s entirety here:


But Wait! That’s not all!

Kathleen Kennedy, Executive Producer of Episode VII has assured us that while the flick may use cutting edge technology and bring us a visual spectacle, the movie will concentrate on bringing us strong characters and story lines first and then move to the visual elements.  Kennedy also said that while the prequel trilogy placed large emphasis on the CGI visuals, the visual elements of the new trilogy will be more akin to the style of Jurassic Park and the original trilogy which blended graphics with practical effects.

So this means that we’ll be able to see real droid models, shooting on real exotic locations in combination with some CG, with background score by the man himself, John Williams!  2015 can not come faster!

Star Wars : Episode VII is directed by JJ Abrams and will be released sometime in 2015.

SOURCE: Youtube