Star Trek TV Series In 2014?

Chris Pine as Captain Kirk in Star Trek

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly about his upcoming TV series Pushing Daisies, Bryan Fuller revealed that he has been discussing the possibility of bringing Star Trek back to the small screen  – with the help of Bryan Singer (X-Men) and J.J Abrams (the current creative guy behind the Star Trek movies).

“Bryan and I are big fans of Trek and have discussed a take on what we would do, and we would love to do it,” he admitted.

“And I’m sure it would be wisely under JJ Abrams’s purview of what happens. He’s the guardian of Trek right now.”

In case you’re wondering who the hell this guy is and why he wants to bring Star Trek back to TV, he actually used to write for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. Of course we know that Star Trek 2 is headed to theaters next May, so don’t expect any concrete updates until after it’s release.