New DEADPOOL Poster Features Tacky Christmas Sweater

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Today marks the fifth day in the ongoing promotional event, 12 Days of Deadpool. We recently covered one of mercenary Wade Wilson’s more Christmas-themed promotions, a set of battle plans released by DeviantArt that mimicked those of Kevin McCallister in Home Alone. That same article also included a GIF of Ryan Reynolds, put out by People Magazine. Since then, Empire Magazine has also released the fast-talking anti-hero’s Christmas list via two tweets that teased a possible upcoming spread on the Deadpool movie.

The first was rather simple, featuring Deadpool spraying some graffiti.

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The second featured a Christmas list, with references to Deadpool’s love of pancakes, as well as to the band Monster Magnet. For those of you who don’t know, one of their songs is entitled “Negasonic Teenage Warhead,” the name of Deadpool’s sidekick in the new film.

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Today, it was Fandango’s turn to deliver a new promotional offering based on the Merc with a Mouth. And since most of the offerings thus far have been related to imagery (such as the poster we covered on Day 1 of the event), it is no surprise that Fandango offered us yet another poster.

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Actor Ryan Reynolds noted on Twitter that:

“This sweater is like wearing a coffin made entirely out of adorable.”

He’s not wrong.

This is one of the tamest offerings we’ve seen yet, but that’s probably a good thing. Deadpool’s humor isn’t always absurd and/or inappropriate. Sometimes, he just does something a bit unexpected. And getting into the holiday spirit by wearing the sort of sweater that your grandmother might knit you is actually right up Deadpool’s alley. This is reassuring, as it indicates that the movie might not go out of its way to be extreme in the same way we imagined.

It would be unfortunate for 20th Century Fox to fail Deadpool’s origin story yet again, having already done so once in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. If the marketing up to this point is any indication, Fox is trying to hit a lot of the humorous beats for which the character is known. And since the 12 Days of Deadpool event is supposed to end with a new Deadpool trailer, we’ll get some hints in one week as to whether or not they’ve managed to hit the mark. Since they’re also trying their hand at a Gambit movie in 2017, it’s pretty important that they get this right. Deadpool is a slightly harder character to nail in some ways, so their success in this endeavor will likely be an indication as to their potential for either success or failure with their upcoming additions to the X-Men franchise.

If you’re curious as to where you might look for Deadpool’s offerings over the next seven days, you can watch the original 12 Days of Deadpool announcement video below.

Deadpool will be breaking the fourth wall in your local theater on February 12, 2016.